Adding to ClemsonWiki

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Adding to the Wiki

Before you start writing articles, take a look at the following guidelines. If you have a question about a specific Wikipedia-related issue, like how to link to something, create a template, etc. check out the Help article for some good starting points.

Read Before You Write

We've had a handful of motivated volunteers create a starting point for future articles. Check out what they've written to get an idea of style, tone, layout, headings, etc. and conform to those standards - or evolve them in a logical and consistent way. Get a feel for the place before you start adding to it, and the ClemsonWiki will be infinitely more useful.

Don't Mix Personal Opinion with Fact

If you're writing an article about your professor, and he or she tends to drone on in lectures, it's important to note that. But don't say "Professor X is the most boring person in the world, and will put you to sleep." Instead, consider "Professor X's lectures have a history of being dry and unengaging." Try not to use "I" or reference yourself. Remember, you're writing an Encyclopedia Clemsonia article: your name won't be directly attached, and you'll be influencing everyone who reads it. Be objective.

Use Logical Headlines

If you're writing about a resturaunt, have an External Links section that points to their website and a Google Map to the place. If you're writing about your major, have a section devoted to each of the possible branches a student could study. Make your articles easy to read and follow.

Link to Other Things!

Wikis grow by having lots of links to lots of articles. To link to another article, enclose the words that make up the title with double square brackets. Like this: Tillman Hall, or Death Valley. Link to stuff even if it isn't created yet - someone reading your article will click on one of them and add their own thoughts on the subject. Practically every proper name, reference to Clemson places, and so on should be linked.


The Main Page is made of several templates. When you edit a page with templates, at the bottom you'll see a list with links to all the templates used in that page. Just click on one of the template pages to edit directly.


Don't be offended if someone cleans up your article, moves it around a little, or corrects some of your sentences. That's the point of a Wiki -- to have a community offering feedback and enhancing your thoughts. If you see something wrong or that could use clarification in an article that's already written, definitely go ahead and fix it! Also bear in mind that we'll be policing for blatant spam, deletes, stupid edits, or any number of things that would devalue the ClemsonWiki. This is not your anonymous way to be a dickhead. All edits are IP logged and we can, and will, ban abusive users.

Project Clemson

If you'd like, you can join The Clemson Project, a page for editors of the ClemsonWiki to communicate and coordinate their efforts to improve the ClemsonWiki.