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[edit] History
Clemson Major Events ....
TPP is a student organization that exists as the concert committee at Clemson booking and producing concerts in the best interest of the students. In addition, there is a unique relationship between Clemson Major Events and TPP that allows the students to facilitate the production of major events for Clemson University. TPP strives to utilize the talents of Clemson students in all capacities and to provide its members a fun, educational, and professional work environment. Clemson Major Events works together with TPP to create an innovative and entrepreneurial environment to maximize the resources of the university while providing events for students and the community. Students have the opportunity to be trained in every area of event and venue management in a hands-on professional environment. More than 400 students each year are hired to help produce hundreds of events hosted at Littlejohn Coliseum, Tillman Auditorium, Bowman Field and the University Outdoor Theatre.
[edit] Venues
Clemson Major Events handles the booking of events at such iconic locations on campus as:
', { 'maxTitle': overlay.maxContent?overlay.title:undefined, 'maxContent': overlay.maxContent }); if (overlay.maxContent) { map.getInfoWindow().enableMaximize(); } else { map.getInfoWindow().disableMaximize(); } } } }); map.addControl(new GHierarchicalMapTypeControl()); map.addControl(new GSmallZoomControl()); marker = new GMarker(new GLatLng(34.680352, -82.846409), { 'icon': GME_DEFAULT_ICON, 'clickable': true }); marker.caption = ''; marker.caption += 'Littlejohn Coliseum '; map.addOverlay(marker); marker = new GMarker(new GLatLng(34.680211, -82.837579), { 'icon': GME_DEFAULT_ICON, 'clickable': true }); marker.caption = ''; marker.caption += 'Tillman Auditorium '; map.addOverlay(marker); marker = new GMarker(new GLatLng(34.67962, -82.838137), { 'icon': GME_DEFAULT_ICON, 'clickable': true }); marker.caption = ''; marker.caption += 'University Union '; map.addOverlay(marker); marker = new GMarker(new GLatLng(34.676064, -82.832011), { 'icon': GME_DEFAULT_ICON, 'clickable': true }); marker.caption = ''; marker.caption += 'Hendrix Student Center '; map.addOverlay(marker); marker = new GMarker(new GLatLng(34.678067, -82.836227), { 'icon': GME_DEFAULT_ICON, 'clickable': true }); marker.caption = ''; marker.caption += 'Outdoor Theater '; map.addOverlay(marker); marker = new GMarker(new GLatLng(34.680547, -82.836345), { 'icon': GME_DEFAULT_ICON, 'clickable': true }); marker.caption = ''; marker.caption += 'Bowman Field '; map.addOverlay(marker); marker = new GMarker(new GLatLng(34.679444, -82.835938), { 'icon': GME_DEFAULT_ICON, 'clickable': true }); marker.caption = ''; marker.caption += 'Carillon Gardens '; map.addOverlay(marker); marker = new GMarker(new GLatLng(34.679302, -82.839682), { 'icon': GME_DEFAULT_ICON, 'clickable': true }); marker.caption = ''; marker.caption += 'Johnstone Meadows '; map.addOverlay(marker); marker = new GMarker(new GLatLng(34.680432, -82.837172), { 'icon': GME_DEFAULT_ICON, 'clickable': true }); marker.caption = ''; marker.caption += 'Military Heritage Plaza '; map.addOverlay(marker); marker = new GMarker(new GLatLng(34.678773, -82.843212), { 'icon': GME_DEFAULT_ICON, 'clickable': true }); marker.caption = ''; marker.caption += 'Clemson Memorial Stadium '; map.addOverlay(marker); marker = new GMarker(new GLatLng(34.679585, -82.85158), { 'icon': GME_DEFAULT_ICON, 'clickable': true }); marker.caption = ''; marker.caption += 'Rugby Field '; map.addOverlay(marker); marker = new GMarker(new GLatLng(34.677256, -82.850271), { 'icon': GME_DEFAULT_ICON, 'clickable': true }); marker.caption = ''; marker.caption += 'Jervey Meadows '; map.addOverlay(marker); GME_DEFAULT_ICON = G_DEFAULT_ICON;} addLoadEvent(makeMap1);
[edit] Contact
The most up-to-date contact information can always be found at Clemson Major Event's Website
This is the Clemson Wiki project's 1,389th article.