Heritage at Riverwood
From ClemsonWiki
Heritage at Riverwood is an apartment complex located just beyond the Clemson city limits in Central. It's owned by Burton Properties, who also manage Heritage Pointe, Heritage Hills, Heritage Station, and a number of smaller, individual buildings in and around Clemson. The complex is set just off of Issaqueena Trail, which is off of US 123, and is about 5 highway minutes from campus - except on gamedays, of course. It's about a mile south of the new Central Wal-Mart.

[edit] General Info
The complex largely houses Clemson undergrads, though there are a significant number of non-students there as well. It is relatively new (construction completed around 2002 on the first phase; some buildings were completed summer 2004) and features generic amenities: there is a tiny weight room and a 4 ft. deep pool that's very popular during summer months. The area is relatively calm and well-kept; parties occur, but generally if you want your peace and quiet it's not hard to find. There have been reports of excess noise in some of the buildings, specifically those closer to the entrance or downstairs units under a person who likes to walk around a lot. Because the buildings are new, they are up to newer building and fire codes. Due to the moist location next to the creek, there is a somewhat higher level of mold in some units.
Rent is toward the higher end of what's normal in Clemson. There are single and two bedroom, two bath units available. Each has a similar floorplan, and all units have their own washer and dryer, but that's the extent of the furnishings that are provided. Sewer is a flat fee per month: $7 for 1-bedroom apartments, $12 for 2-bedrooms. Water is extra and can easily run $25/month or more, thanks to the recent Clemson city water rate increase. The water meters break from time to time, however, so you might get a few months with a flat water fee. Cable TV and internet is provided by Family View, (cable TV service costs about $37 and Internet is $23 for a 256K X 512K connection, a lot less than Northland). BellSouth handles telephone and offers DSL, though many residents forgo landlines altogether. However, cell phones reception is awful in practically all units. There is a distinct lack of any cell towers nearby. The result is residents spend a lot of quality time outside in the parking lot talking on the phone.
Heritage at Riverwood is a good choice if you're looking for a place well off campus that is modern, clean and comparatively quiet. CAT bus service is now available at this complex.
Recently Heritage at Riverwood has become the apartments for students enrolled in Clemson's bridge program to rent. Most of the residents in this program live in the apartments towards the front of the complex. A CAT bus route has also been added for this program but the route runs only from Riverwood to Tri-County Technical College and back and runs during the Fall and Spring semesters only.
[edit] Address
105 Heritage Riverwood Dr.
Central, SC 29630
Main office: (864) 654-1130
[edit] External Links
Burton Properties
Google Map to rough location - apartments are to the east