June 7

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Wikipedia's article on June 7.



  • 1875: Arthur Buist Bryan is born.
  • 1904: Commencement held.
  • June 7-June 9, 1903: 1902-1903 session ends - Commencement held.
  • 1921: Graduating exercises held in the College Chapel, 10:30 a.m. (The Tiger, 6 June 1921, Volume XVI, Number 30, page 2.)
  • 2006: Jerry Buck Inman is arrested in the morning in Tennessee in the strangling death of Clemson student Tiffany Marie Souers.
  • 2007: Last day to drop a class or withdraw from the university without final grades for the first summer session. "Musical Offerings" at the Brooks Center, 10 a.m. - Christopher Matthews, Clemson's director of choral activities, leads this workshop on the history of music in the church. Using music samples and singing representative chants, chorales, praise choruses, in additional to traditional and contemporary hymns, he demonstrates the theological concepts that shape the music of Christian worship. Tuition includes themed lunch. Reservation due Wednesday, May 31. $40 per person.
  • 2008: Brahman Sale at the T. Ed Garrison Arena - sale of registered Brahman Cattle and F-1 Heifers. People may come and view as early as Friday. Call Phillip Gilstrap 864-506-0463 for a catalog. Cattle Complex, free to spectators. Sponsored by Carolinas Brahman Breeders Association, contact Phillip Gilstrap, 864-506-0463.

June 6 June June 8