May 28
From ClemsonWiki
- 1898: "On Saturday, May 28th, our base ball team left for Pelzer, via Anderson. 'Tis needless to say that they went with full intentions of being defeated. The team arrived at Anderson about 11 a.m. and remained there until 2:30 p.m., and to their sorrow heard that the train from Belton to Pelzer was one hour and forty minutes late. Through the kindness of Captain Marshall we were greatly relieved. He telegraphed the Superintendent of the Southern Railway for permission to run his train to Pelzer for us, and a few minutes afterward Captain Marshall's engineer was splitting the wind at a one-mile-per-minute rate. On arrival at Pelzer we sent our baggage to the hotel and made our way through the many factory kids to the grounds. At 4:45 p.m. the game was started and Clemson, though light weight and young, played a steady game, did heavy slugging at the bat, and amid the yells and cries of the factory kids, the game closed with a score of nine to two in favor of Clemson. The features of the game were that McMakin and Shaw, Clemson's battery, used their heads to perfection, and heavy slugging at the bat for our team. Nearly every ball knocked was placed. The two runs made by Pelzer were made on Clemson errors." (The Chronicle, May 1898, V1, N8, page 43.)
- 2006: Clemson beats North Carolina State 8-4 to win the 2006 ACC Baseball Tournament. It is the Tigers first ACC Championship since 1994.
- 2008: *May 28: Tiger Brotherhood moves from ninth to eighth in the most viewed pages ranking (4,472 views), overtaking the Tiffany Marie Souers entry (4,456 views). As of June 1, the rankings were these:
- No. 1: Main Page (49,864)
- No. 2: Current events (7,023)
- No. 3: ClemsonWiki:Community Portal (6,524)
- No. 4: Todaro Pizza (5,806)
- No. 5: 2006 (5,328)
- No. 6: Clemson University (4,915)
- No. 7: Beezers (4,590)
- No. 8: Tiger Brotherhood (4,472)
- No. 9: Tiffany Marie Souers (4,456)
- No. 10: Danny Ford (4,198)
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