May 30

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May 30 in Clemson History

  • May 29, 1931-June 1, 1931: Finals Dance.
  • 1935: Robert C. Edwards weds Louise Odom Edwards.
  • 1988: Two fires break out in Clemson, one at the Fort Hill mansion, and one at the Forest Hills apartments, which kills graduate student Joyce Austin, majoring in Food Science.
  • 2007: The USA Today reports on page 4A, this date, that Clemson University professor Paul Dawson is working on ways to prevent contamination of hot dogs, sliced deli meats and other foods with the listeria bacteria. About 2,500 people get sick and 500 die annually from the bacteria, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Dawson hopes to pasteurize entire packages of meat by immersing them in 160-degree water.

May 29 May May 31