From ClemsonWiki
CLEMSONLiVE is Clemson's student-run entertainment board, which plans a variety of on-campus events throughout the year, from weekly movies in McKissick Theater, to special events held in Tillman Hall. CLEMSONLiVE provides a variety of events to Clemson students through seven committees and an executive board of directors. CLEMSONLiVE also stresses the importance of a strong member base through bi-weekly meetings, to support the events the organization plans. Prior to becoming known as CLEMSONLiVE, the board was called UPAC. The title changed in 2005.
FiRST FRiDAY NiGHTS: First Friday Nights is an event that occurs on the first Friday of every month. On this night, CLEMSONLiVE provides the students of Clemson with free, late-night entertainment. Events vary from month to month, but there is always free food, giveaways, t-shirts, and something worth coming out for on a Friday evening. A great way to hang out with friends and celebrate the end of the week.
SPECiAL EVENTS: One Wednesday night a month, join CLEMSONLiVE for an exciting night of entertainment. Our most recent events have included Laser Tag, Poetry Night in the Botanical Gardens, comedians, hypnotists, and so much more!
TiGER TRADiTiONS: The Tiger Traditions committee produces CLEMSONLiVE's large scale and traditional events. During the summer, we put on Burgers with the Barkers and Pizza with the President. Our most recent events have included CU on ICE, Take Back the Night Music Festival, and Rock Out!
MOViES: Once a month, look for a CLEMSONLiVE MOViE SERiES in McKissick Theater! Aside from our usual movie series, CLEMSONLiVE also has a variety of sneak previews--see movies before they hit the theater...FOR FREE! Additionally, the movies committee puts on the traditional Back-to-School outdoor movie and a number of other special movie events throughout the year.
COMPETiTiONS: The Competitions Committee produces events centered around some type of competitive activity. These competitive events have included a Freshmen Flag Football Tournament, Dodgeball Tournaments, Laser Tag Tournament, and more!
PUBLiC RELATiONS: While the public relations committee does not put on any events, they are responsible for creating all of the advertisements for events in addition to the free t-shirts and giveaways CLEMSONLiVE passes out.
CO-SPONORSHiP: In addition to planning our own events, CLEMSONLiVE is also a resource for other organizations on campus. For other entertainment events put on by other organizations, CLEMSONLiVE can provide monetary assistance and/or planning assistance. Please see Co-Sponsorship page for more information.