Calhoun Corners
Historic Calhoun Corners restaurant, built in 1893 with handmade brick served as a civic and social center for the community of Calhoun, S.C.. It served as the original site of Fort Hill Presbyterian Church in 1895 and was then operated until 1957 as Boggs Store, a general store operated by Norman Boggs. It was renovated in late 1974 and renamed Calhoun Corners. Calhoun Corners operated successfully until the fire in the early morning hour of November 1, 1997. Reconstruction plans were immediately pursued preserving everything possible from the original structure . The careful blending of the new construction to accentuate the preserved portions was completed and Calhoun Corners Restaurant proudly reopened its doors in December 1998. Owned by George, Zach, Nick, and Ted Corontzes.
Calhoun Corners, located on the northwest corner of Clemson Street and Elm Street, is an expensive, quasi-formal resturaunt, comparable to Pixie & Bills. Dinners typically run north of $20 a plate, and there is a not-strictly-enforced "business casual" dress code. Good for a date if you're aiming to impress, or as a place for your parents to take you to if they're in town. The food is worth the money, especially for a special occasion.
Calhoun Corners Restaurant
103 Clemson Street
Clemson, SC 29631
(864) 654-7490