Charles Carter Newman

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Charles Carter Newman served as Professor of Horticulture from June 1899 to 1952. Clemson's first graduate, he was the son of J. S. Newman, the college's first professor of agriculture.

Newman was born at Sparta, Georgia on September 6, 1875, and was Clemson Agricultural College's first graduate, receiving his degree in June 1895. (The Oconeean 1904, Volume Two, page 17.) He had already completed his sophomore year of studies at the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama at Auburn where his father had taught before coming to Clemson. (Bryan, Wright, "Clemson: An Informal History of the University 1889-1979", The R. L. Bryan Company, Columbia, South Carolina, 1979, ISBN 0-934870-01-2, page 51.)

Charles Carter Newman was elected Professor of Horticulture in June 1899, a position he held until 1952.

Newman Hall is named for both Professors Newman.

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