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Wikipedia's article on October.


  • 1861: Future Clemson President Mark Bernard Hardin is appointed Major of Artillery, in the active volunteer forces of Virginia, and assigned to duty at Craney Island, where he will remain until the evacuation of Norfolk, on May 10, 1862.
  • 1890: Major Mark Bernard Hardin arrives at Clemson from Virginia Military Institute to serve as the school's first Professor of Chemistry.
  • 1893: The railroad depot at Calhoun is completed.
  • 1897 Volume One, Number One of the Clemson College Chronicle is published by the Calhoun, Columbian and Palmetto Literary Societies of Clemson Agricultural College. First editor-in-chief is Arthur Buist Bryan. Page 36 states that "[w]e have in college at present about 260 cadets, of which number about 60 are 'rats'."
  • 1927: The solicitor of the tenth judicial district in Anderson alleges that whisky is being sold by "outsiders" and consumed in the college's YMCA. President Sikes, a teetotaler, increases police surveillance to halt illegal activities. (Yandle, Bruce, "The Plowboy Scholar: Enoch Walter Sikes, 1925-1940", "Tradition: A History of the Presidency of Clemson University", McKale, Donald M., editor, Mercer University Press, Macon, Georgia, 1988, ISBN 0-86554-296-1, page 155.)
  • 1966: The first-ever telephone pole Homecoming display float is erected on Bowman Field by Kappa Sigma Nu. Tiger Brotherhood sells orange straw hats with purple bands to raise funds for the Tiger statue now in front of Littlejohn Coliseum.
  • 1970: The Clemson Aero Club battles with FBO operator Reid Garrison at the Clemson-Oconee Airport for access to the field. L.L. Wilson takes over as the new chief of police for the City of Clemson.
  • 1972: The university implements a policy governing the sale of commercial products on campus, requiring that all businesses secure written permission from the Office of Student Affairs. This policy will come under review during the spring semester of 1975 when the newly-opened franchise of Chanelo's Pizza begins on-campus deliveries.
  • 1985: By the end of the month, one year after the death of star track athlete Augustinus "Stijn" Jaspers brought to light the distribution of drugs by coaches, the following participants in the passion play are gone from campus: President Bill Atchley, athletic director Bill McLellan, Board of Trustees chairman James Waddell, vice president of business and finance Melvin Barnette, director of public safety James Brummitt, coaches Stanley Narewski, Samuel Colson and Jack Harkness, and, of course, athlete Jaspers. (Wunder, John R., "A Good Sport: Walter Thompson Cox, 1985-1986", McKale, Donald M., editor, "Tradition: A History of the Presidency of Clemson University", Mercer University Press, Macon, Georgia, 1988, ISBN 0-86554-296-1, pages 257-258.) The final autopsy report finds the cause of death to be heart failure; the drugs were incidental. (Wunder, John R., "A Good Sport: Walter Thompson Cox, 1985-1986", McKale, Donald M., editor, "Tradition: A History of the Presidency of Clemson University", Mercer University Press, Macon, Georgia, 1988, ISBN 0-86554-296-1, page 253, citing articles in The Greenville News, Greenville, South Carolina, 26, 31 March 1985.)
  • 1992: An autopsy determines that missing Clemson food science graduate student Norsaadah Husain died "within minutes" from stab wounds to the throat and possibly her abdomen on June 8, 1992. Inquest results released in October 1992. This case is still open. The Tiger reports on October 23, that the 30-year old Malaysian student's remains were found by a hunter in a wooded area of Oconee County. Determining the cause of death took over a month. (Stokes, Blair, "Student died of stab wounds to throat, torso", The Tiger, 23 October 1992, Volume 86, Number 9, page 1.) The case remains open in 2011. Anyone with information on this should call Crime Stoppers at 864-898-5677.
  • 1993: The Clemson World News, a newsprint publication, merges with the Clemson World, a "slick" magazine. (Clemson World News, August 1993, Volume 15, Number 2, page 2.)
  • 2006: A new chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the nation's oldest and most prestigious honor society, is established at Clemson, after a seven-year campaign by President James Barker. One of six new chapters, PBK was founded at the College of William and Mary in 1776.
  • 2009: The silhouette of the Tiger statue logo is painted on the water tank near the Ravenel Research Center on U.S. 123. Also, two retractable traffic posts are installed on Calhoun Drive in front of Brackett Hall to eventually replace the swinging gate that restricts traffic to one-way during the day.

September Months of the Year November